Fair Chance Hiring Fair Chance Alliance Empowering the “Fair Chance Movement” The Fair Chance Movement in the United States is culturally established but functionally ineffective. The Fair Chance Alliance is changing that with best practices, protocols, accreditation, and information. The goal of The Fair ChanceAllianceis to provide strength to the Fair Chance Movement and its two main pillars: •Fair Chance Hiring •Fair Chance Housing Whether it be problems in the hiring industry or unfair behavior of landlords with people with criminal records, TheAllianceaims to address these problems with an effective approach. How Does Fair Chance Empower the Fair Chance Movement? There are many Accredited Fair Chance Business Pledge businesses that need a centralized and easily accessible registry. Fair Chance Alliance empowers this movement by providing an accessible and searchable registry. No one can deny the importance and impact of the press these...