Fair Chance Hiring

 Fair Chance Hiring         

Fair Chance Alliance Empowering the “Fair Chance Movement”
The Fair Chance Movement in the United States is culturally established but functionally ineffective. The Fair Chance Alliance is changing that with best practices, protocols, accreditation, and information.
The goal of The Fair ChanceAllianceis to provide strength to the Fair Chance Movement and its two main pillars:

•Fair Chance Hiring
•Fair Chance Housing

Whether it be problems in the hiring industry or unfair behavior of landlords with people with criminal records, TheAllianceaims to address these problems with an effective approach.
How Does Fair Chance Empower the Fair Chance Movement?
There are many Accredited Fair Chance Business Pledge businesses that need a centralized and easily accessible registry. Fair Chance Alliance empowers this movement by providing an accessible and searchable registry.
No one can deny the importance and impact of the press these days. Fair Chance Alliance establishes accurate and effective communication with the press, presenting the cause in the right way to the world.
Not only that, but the initiative establishes protocols, databases, and uses analytics to make sure we are all moving in theright direction.
In addition, the Fair Chance Alliance diligently and consistently remains in touch with the business community to keep the movement alive and thriving.
Fair Chance Hiring

There are around 70 million people living in the US with criminal records. And, although they have paid for their wrongdoings, their past gets in the way of being hired.
They need long-term, stable employment to get financially independent and support their families. This is also important to help them feel like a contributing member of society, which then discourages them from triggers that led to them taking the wrong path in the past.
Fair Chance Hiring is an initiative to solve problems like under-hiring and underpayingby introducing and promoting effective solutions. It also keeps a tab on the data to see how we all are helping the movement.
Fair Chance Housing

People with past criminal records are also having a hard time finding a house to live in.
Landlords unfairly deny housing to applicants that have a criminal history. This is often not revealed until formerly incarcerated people have appliedto rent the property.
Fair Chance Housing advocates the right of citizens with criminal records to find and live in rental property like any other citizen.
Fair Chance Housing runs campaigns to let landlords know that these people make great tenants. It focuses on the facts, including that landlords actually have fewer issues with these justice-served returning citizens as compared to the general public. No data support that returning citizens are a threat as tenants as a class of persons. This is a fiction.
The Fair Chance Alliance’s website will be a resource for relevant information, model laws, and proposed laws.
It even anticipates a registry of Fair Chance Housing Landlords. Moreover, it caters to inquiries from all the states of the US.

The Fair Chance Alliance is an effort to empower the Fair Chance Movement by:

•Establishing best practices and protocols

Using analytics to see if we all are going in the right direction
People with criminal records in the US have been facing unfair treatment even after having completed their prison sentences. If this doesn’t amount to extra-legal punishment under the law, it should. No judge or statute imposes this unfair treatment; fair minded people demand it be stopped.
Fair Chance Hiring aims to solve problems like under-hiring, under-promoting, and other prejudices against such people.
Similarly, Fair Chance Housing is an effort to help justice-served people with a criminal history to live like normal citizens.


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